Unusual Wheated Bourbon Guide

Описание к видео Unusual Wheated Bourbon Guide

Link to article: http://prestigedecanters.com/blog/whe...

When you hear about wheated bourbon, what’s the deal? Today, @bourbontraveler, Justin Nierengarten joins us again to give us the wheaty scoop. Be sure to follow him for tasting notes and whiskey adventures. Here at Prestige, we’re some of his biggest fans.

In this article, Justin explores a very important cog in the American whiskey machine: wheated bourbon itself. He provides a brief description of the makeup of this whiskey. Then he follows up with its impact on the whiskey drinker. He concludes with tasting notes of some well-known brands. (We would say that’s our favorite part. But it’s all our favorite.)

All right gang. Keep reading for what’s up with wheaters!

Click the link below to know more:


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