校巴兒歌|兒童圖書|Exploring Bowie's Adventures picture books with Kala EE |廣東話教學|兒童中文學習|親子活動|粵語故事|粵語兒歌|天氣|雙語

Описание к видео 校巴兒歌|兒童圖書|Exploring Bowie's Adventures picture books with Kala EE |廣東話教學|兒童中文學習|親子活動|粵語故事|粵語兒歌|天氣|雙語

KalaEE 同小朋友一齊睇圖書、唱兒歌啦~仲有少量家長伴讀技巧分享。
#寶怡每天的冒險 同 Bowie's School Trip 兩本係有齊廣東話同英文,甚至有普通話版本嘅雙語學習圖畫書!係好有心嘅澳洲華人媽媽Lisa Chan繪畫同創作嘅心血作品,而家仲有黑色星期五限定最高七五折優惠,另適逢11月20日為世界兒童節!11月20日該星期內訂購仲自動參與抽獎有機會得到免費圖書。不要錯過啦!

Website: https://www.bowiesadventures.com
ig: @bowiesadventurebooks

Exploring picture books and learn from singing song with Kala EE~! A few parent-child reading skills are introduced too.
Books of Bowie's adventures series not just for Cantonese learning but also English, Mandarin version is available too! These books are created and illustrated by Australian-Chinese mother, it offers the biggest Black Friday sale which is up to 25% off now! Meanwhile 20Nov2023 is the World's Children Day, everyone who purchases a book in the week of 20Nov2023 will automatically be entered into competition to win a free book. Detail please find from above website or dm author Lisa.

小朋友更多有趣學習廣東話和認識香港生活的教學短片會陸續推出, 記得訂閱這個頻道:
   / @kalaee  

跟Kala EE傾計可到instagram: @kalaee_

#校巴 | #廣東話 | #廣東話教學 | #廣東話兒童學習 | #香港兒童 | #兒童 | #數學 | #兒童教育 | #KalaEE | #KalaEE香港兒童學習頻道 | #學廣東話 | #親子活動 | #兒童中文學習 | #數字 | #中文圖書 |#雙語圖書 |#故事書 |#兒童中文學習 |#粵語故事 |#香港校巴 |#兒童常識 |#兒歌 |#天氣 |#伴讀技巧 |#親子伴讀 |#廣東話故事 |#英文圖書 |#englishbook |#kidsbooks | #storybook | #廣東話兒歌 | #粵語兒歌


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