How do Americans view economic inequality?

Описание к видео How do Americans view economic inequality?

Economic inequality in the U.S. has been rising steadily over the past few decades, and this increase has not gone unnoticed by Americans. In this episode of our Trust in America video series, our researchers explain views of economic inequality and trust in the U.S. economic system. They discuss how Americans feel about the economic system in this country, the impact economic inequality has on people’s lives, and who the public thinks should be responsible for reducing it.

This video is part of our Trust in America video series, where our experts discuss trust in institutions including elections, news media, police and more. Check out the rest of the series here:    • Trust in America  

This video cites data from the following research:
“Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government; Little Change Since 2019” May 17, 2021:
“Most Americans Say There Is Too Much Economic Inequality in the U.S., but Fewer Than Half Call It a Top Priority” Jan. 9, 2020:
“70% of Americans say U.S. economic system unfairly favors the powerful” Jan. 9, 2020:
“Most Americans Say the Current Economy Is Helping the Rich, Hurting the Poor and Middle Class” Dec. 11, 2019:


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