25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s

Описание к видео 25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s

For those of you who are in your 30s, 50s, or maybe 70s sitting back thinking about the past, there's a slight chance you might want to go back in time. Either wanting to do the things you always wanted to. Or wanting to say the things to someone but didn't have the guts to. A slight tweak in the past might entirely change the present. Unfortunately, that is something we cannot do. What we can do, is let our kids or those young adults know what they can do now to have a fulfilling life in the future. This list of 25 uncomfortable things to do mainly acts as a guide for those young adults not knowing what the future holds, and can steer them to the right path. Now for those young adults who are in your 20s, I challenge you do the following to live a better life. You don't want to regret your 20s :)

Shout out to Thought Catalog


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