How to correctly melt a soap base in a microwave / DIY

Описание к видео How to correctly melt a soap base in a microwave / DIY

How to correctly melt a soap base in a microwave and not to spoil it
Master class

Melt and pour soap bases are extremely popular with soap makers. And no wonder, as they are very easy to use – all it takes to make soap is to melt the base and add any desired components. No hustle. And yet, one may run into some problems.

Overheating or boiling will cause the soap base to become cloudy, bubbled, and frothed. Not the best soap condition to work with, is it? But you can easily prevent this problem if knowing and using our lifehack.

Our video shows how to melt a soap base in a microwave in a fast and correct way. This method is 100 % workable: no bubbles, complications or nasty surprises. Just a few simple steps and you will get a perfectly melted soap base, just like we did with the outstanding ALEXES soap base. We assure that this soap melting tip will never fail you.

You can purchase our melt and pour soap base here:

#masterclass #diy #soap


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