Sadhguru Talks | How To Become Silent?

Описание к видео Sadhguru Talks | How To Become Silent?

   / @venividiyogi  

Sadhguru Talks | How To Become Silent? | SG - 014

Enjoy this insightful talk by Sadhguru.

#ishahathayoga #classicalyoga #sadhguru #venividiyogi #jwalahathayogacenter #francescomarelli




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This channel, Veni Vidi Yogi, is neither part of the Isha Foundation, Sadhguru Gurukulam, nor of any other official initiative by Sadhguru or Isha Foundation.

This channel is independently run by a graduate of Isha’s “ Hatha Yoga School “.

As such, any and all statements contained in this video or anywhere on this channel do not represent the official standpoint or opinion of Sadhguru or Isha Foundation.

We strive to provide relevant, entertaining and thought provoking insights for yoga, lifestyle and overall health and well-being, to stimulate people to look inward with more focus, care and compassion for themselves and what they are capable of, both inside and out.

In theory, this should be enough … but since not everyone appreciates authenticity and honesty, please do keep reading the full length and breath of this disclaimer.

The statements in this video have not been evaluated by any regulatory authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. The content provided here is therefore presented in summary form, is general in nature and is provided for informational purposes only. Do not ignore any medical advice that you received and do not delay in seeking it because of something that you heard in a video and/or read in a text presented here.

Please consult your doctor or healthcare provider regarding the applicability of any options or recommendations based on your symptoms or medical conditions, as there are common diseases which nonetheless present themselves with varying signs and symptoms.

Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new treatment, diet or yoga program. We do not assume any responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property resulting from the use or misuse of information, ideas or instructions contained in materials herewith provided to you.

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