I Will Rockit

Описание к видео I Will Rockit

made by filus

his words:

I started making this movie in August 2010, with some nice ideas which I wanted to put in there. Unfortunatelly, I was facing some serious issues which kept me off the project for kinda long time and being unable to implement everything I wanted to be there. I was kinda lean to a thought of not releasing it at all, but after several requests I decided to release it as it is.
Fragz are performed after cic7, mostly with Rockit/idk/Giants team (with couple of additions with Winfakt/Team East).

Soundtrack (in order of appereance):
Igorrr - Liquid Requiem
Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance
DJ Pablo - BBoys War
Igorrr - Dixit Dominus

Hopefully this movie will entertain you for those 7 minutes :)


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