How to Write a Scientific Paper from Start to Finish

Описание к видео How to Write a Scientific Paper from Start to Finish

In this video, I will take you through the entire process of how to write a scientific paper from start to finish for submission to a journal. If you wish to jump to a particular section, see the times provided below. Links to the example paper and to more detailed instructions for writing the sections of a paper are also listed.

00:00 Intro
00:55 Prepare to Write
03:57 Title Page
05:31 Abstract
06:52 Introduction
09:01 Methods
11:06 Results
13:22 Discussion
15:28 Conclusions
15:52 Acknowledgments
16:05 Literature Cited
16:59 Extras (cover letter, graphical abstract, author roles, competing interests)
18:09 Next Steps

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Example paper used in this video:
McKee, Karen L., Rooth, J. E., and Feller, Ilka C. 2007. "Mangrove recruitment after forest disturbance is facilitated by herbaceous species common to the Caribbean region." Ecological Applications. 17:1678–1693.

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