*116 Stacks* Bluetooth Warwick Be Like! ⭐⭐⭐

Описание к видео *116 Stacks* Bluetooth Warwick Be Like! ⭐⭐⭐

This Warwick is no longer a 1-Cost unit...
Hope you guys enjoy and have fun!

♫ Music:
1. "ほんわかぷっぷー" by もっぴーさうんど
2. Animal Crossing - K.K. Disco [Remix] by Qumu
3. Sonic Adventure 2 - Escape from the City [Remix] by Qumu
4. Yoshi's Island - Flower Garden [Remix] by Qumu
5. "2:23 AM" by Sharou

#tft #teamfighttactics #set12 #dangotft #warwick
Teamfight Tactics, TFT, Set 12, Dango TFT, Warwick


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