《全员加速中》看点: 蔡少芬开启坑队友模式 Run For Time 11/06 Recap: Ada Teases Team Members【湖南卫视官方版1080P】

Описание к видео 《全员加速中》看点: 蔡少芬开启坑队友模式 Run For Time 11/06 Recap: Ada Teases Team Members【湖南卫视官方版1080P】

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Introduction: "Run For Time" is a street survival game that involves celebrities and athletes. Participants have to avoid being captured at a certain time limit by hunters in specific locations. Winners can receive a victory coin, while the caught ones would left empty handed. Time is their guests only chance to create more chances for survival in the game.

《全员加速中》高清播放列表 Run For Time Playlist: https://goo.gl/Q28AT6

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