Why did the Five Wisdom Dakinis of Guru Padmasambhava meditate in caves near water bodies.

Описание к видео Why did the Five Wisdom Dakinis of Guru Padmasambhava meditate in caves near water bodies.

New Course Series + New Book
The Lotus-Born Master
Eight Manifestations of Quantum Energy DECODED
Ancient Science Backed By Modern Day Research

Behind the scenes
The Dakini Code:Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon.
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In our third film of the Lotus-Born Master trilogy The Dakini Code: Lotus-Born Master and the Event Horizon , we actually go to each of the different caves where the Lotus-Born Masters five wisdom Dakini each in turn meditated and came to their own Siddhi powers and of course in each of these locations were seeking what was the quantum energy field that they were tapping into the field that ultimately they came to represent and in each of these cases we went looking for their caves

so on this third expedition we went to the respective caves that each of the Lotus-Born Masters five wisdom Dakinis stayed in and meditated and in these caves we sought to understand what they were tapping into what kind of energy fields why are we in caves first of all the cave itself represents mother earth it is the womb it is that as we say entry point into a wormhole that opens up the universe of its own also a lot of these caves are near water sites water of course contains enormous amount of ions it's a place where information is stored it's where information can be drawn down from water actually is our own body we're 80 water 70 water something like that and the rest is electromagnetic energy so actually by being in the water field we are in the field and so i think that's why a lot of these great masters yogis yoginis and of course the Dakinis themselves came to these cave networks where they stayed meditated and became closer to earth water the sun closer in the end to their own energy here which is part of this whole rediscovery the whole point of this meditative process is to actually come back into a line with the organic energies of the universe the methodologies of having different deities for visualization are actually tools and systems to connect one's self with the universe of which of which we are a part only a small derivative of ultimately to connect back with ourselves ultimately to realize the nature of reality or the nature of our own existence and to then in the end be in that existence and that's why they had to get away from the cacophony of cities towns palaces royalty all of that stuff and come back to the essential nature of what reality is or is not and that could only be achieved in a state of isolation or going into the cave all the time these caves are actually made of crystalline rock natural crystal rock such as this you can actually see the reflections of many many particles in here if you actually start to break away the rock inside is actually chunks of crystal and why did they choose these caves of course the Dakini is associated with crystal crystals always uses an offering to the Dakini and really crystal itself is you could say fossilized water if you wanted to use a mundane term but it itself it is a very very complex structure and in that complexity of that structure it can hold information and of course we later did in the second film "Return of the Lotus-Born Master"

we heard uh one of the journalists who's covered the space program talk about how crystal chips are used in quantum communication for the quantum satellites and how they're unhackable and this again attached to the scientific function of crystal as a complex complex vibratory substance that can hold vast amounts of information that's why the Dakinis came to the crystal caves and that's why symbolically we always give crystal as an offering to the Dakinis


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