Congressional Congress Mayhem

Описание к видео Congressional Congress Mayhem

Congressional Congress
Time Cap 13 min

Freedom (RX'd)
Power Snatch (115/80)
Burpee over Bar

Didn’t finish this one, took the burpees too slowly & the Power Snatches at 115# caught up to me. The gentleman on my left decided to Muscle Snatch the entire time which was so impressive then on top of that has some of the fastest burpees I’ve seen.

Definitely recommend pushing the burpees especially if you’re doing singles on the bar & can’t quite cycle that weight well enough.

My snatches, Power/Squat have gotten much better & I’m finally hitting that hip crease & I can feel the difference. Even with a DNF every snatch hit the pocket well even if I didn’t get under the bar correctly so that’s a win!

Great work all around!


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