Time To Travel On The Amtrak Auto Train.

Описание к видео Time To Travel On The Amtrak Auto Train.

I took the Amtrak Auto Train from Sanford, Florida to Lorton Virginia. The room was such a disappointment because it was so filthy. They need to clean all the carpets in the room as well as the dirty windows. I paid a lot of money for this room and it was terrible. It’s located next to the 3 public bathrooms plus one shower on this car and besides hearing the doors opening and closing when people used the bathrooms, I could also smell it! Disgusting! If there was another auto train besides Amtrak, I would be taking that one not this ever again. I will say that the attendant on my floor was very personable. I liked him. I felt bad telling him what a disgrace this room was. Have you ever traveled on the Amtrak Auto Train? Let me know by completing my Yes/No Poll.
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