Horror of Pestilence - NARAKU奈落 /无间炼狱 (Official Visual)

Описание к видео Horror of Pestilence - NARAKU奈落 /无间炼狱 (Official Visual)

“和平和安息绝不在那儿停留,希望无所不到,唯独不到那里。只有无穷无尽的苦难紧紧跟着。永燃的硫磺不断地添注,不灭的火焰,洪水般向他们滚滚逼来。”24年盛夏,继“Death Within a Dream湮灭于梦里”之后,瘟疫之骇持续蓄力,为乐迷们呈现又一力作“NARAKU奈落/无间炼狱”——吉他riff和鼓点如地狱烈火般熊熊焚烧,配合庞大的弦乐和精湛的solo将人拉入炼狱深渊:天幕坠落、大地崩裂,无边的黑暗诉说着悲哀与死亡,更诉说着无尽的荣华与凋零。

Peace and rest never linger there. Hope reaches everywhere but that forsaken place, where only endless suffering clings. Eternal brimstone fuels the undying flames, which surge towards them like a relentless flood.

In the early summer of 2024, following the haunting 'Death Within a Dream,' Horror of Pestilence continues to gather strength, presenting fans with another masterpiece: 'NARAKU|The Infernal Abyss' --- Guitar riffs and drum beats blaze like hellfire, drawing listeners into an infernal chasm with grand strings and masterful solos. The sky collapses, the earth shatters, and boundless darkness whispers of sorrow and death, yet also speaks of eternal glory and decay.


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