From 0 to Funded with FTMO & MyForexFunds - How long does it take?

Описание к видео From 0 to Funded with FTMO & MyForexFunds - How long does it take?

🎓 Learn To Trade:

Learning to trade is a process and you need to invest time and hard work into backtesting and market research in order to become consistently profitable. So how much time does it actually take?


0:00 Intro
1:24 My journey
2:59 Case study of 8 traders
3:33 Average time you need
4:46 My advice to speed up the learning process

This is my opinion and experience. I am not a registered financial adviser. Everything provided in this video is purely for educational purposes. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.

#forex #forextrading #technicalanalysis #forecast #guerrillatrading


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