Урок акварели | Как легко нарисовать сложный снежный лес | Смешивание цветов [ART JACK]

Описание к видео Урок акварели | Как легко нарисовать сложный снежный лес | Смешивание цветов [ART JACK]

Dear viewers, nice to see you! My name is Jack Kim, a painter. Please subscribe and like it ~
Today's watercolor painting is a forest in a village where snow flowers bloom.
You can easily draw complex snow scenes using masking liquid.
Before the end of this winter, I hope you draw a wonderful snow scene.
If you think it is difficult because the drawing speed is fast, you can draw my picture more easily by slowing the video speed in the video settings and following it.
Most of my YouTube drawings mainly introduce pictures that can be easily followed within 1-2 hours.
Anyone of the viewers can subscribe to my free drawing videos.
If you like the picture, please add a like and alarm function.
Now, with music, I hope you enjoy the process of completing my paintings.
Art Jack Blog ~~ https://blog.naver.com/hikjs
instagram ~~   / kim_jaeseok_art  
facebook ~~ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?...
kakao story ~~ https://story.kakao.com/hikjs5344
Healing watercolor # Landscape painting # Relaxation


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