Health Anxiety 101

Описание к видео Health Anxiety 101

👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼FREE Self-Assessment for Health Anxiety here:

Rapid Recovery from Health Anxiety: anxiety

I have an online course and an interactive, private group that will help you get back to feeling like your old self again. Let’s start working together today!

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👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 is a GIFT for you. A PDF for The Top 10 Things to Know to Practice ERP for OCD, Phobias & Anxiety:

It is difficult to perceive when you are in the middle of an episode of health anxiety that the disorder is a self-perpetuating cycle. But all anxiety disorders and OCD, including Health Anxiety are fed, maintained and reinforced by a self-perpetuating cycle. Your own behaviors or responses to your anxiety itself keeps the cycle going.

There are primarily 5 steps to the Health Anxiety Cycle:

Step 1: The cycle begins with noticing an unpleasant bodily sensation like a sore throat, palpitation or perhaps seeing a mole.

Step 2: Your brain interprets this sensation or visual as alarming and dangerous.

Step 3: Your anxiety and worry builds, and you become more hyper-vigilant and focus more on your sensations and how you are feeling.

Step 4: You try to calm yourself and attempt to bring your anxiety down. You begin to do certain behaviors like seek reassurance, check on your body status, avoid certain activities, or google information.

Step 5: Your behaviors from Step 4 have managed to bring your anxiety down a little. However, it is a trap. Now your brain believes the only reason you have survived is because you did those particular behaviors. Those behaviors have inadvertently reinforced the health anxiety cycle. And, you will most likely have similar urges to do those behaviors the next time that you find yourself feeling concerned about your health.

The good news is that there are several effective ways to BREAK the Health Anxiety Cycle.

Should you need help with your recovery from Health Anxiety, here is more information on my online therapy course:

#Healthanxiety, #hypochondria, #PaigePradko, #illnessanxiety, #somaticsymptomdisorder, #hypochondriasis, #healthworries, #illnessworries, #medicalanxiety, #cbtforhealthanxiety, #medicalocd, #illnessocd, #healthocd, #fearofhavingcancer, #medicalocd

Until next time, I will see you in session,

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Red Gold Yesterday by LUCHS
Lucy by DEX 1200
Video Editor: [email protected]
Video Editor: [email protected]

(Although Paige Pradko is a licensed psychotherapist, the views expressed on this video and this YouTube channel including comments or any related content should not be taken for medical, psychological or psychiatric advice. Always contact your physician and mental health provider before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.)


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