
Описание к видео 【金剛級戰列艦巡洋艦】二戰日本海軍夜戰最強戰艦,日本第一種無畏艦,曾炮轟亨德森機場,唯一被美國潛艇擊沉的戰列巡洋艦

金剛級戰列艦(英文:Kongo class Battleship ,日文:こんごうがたせんかん),是20世紀10年代日本帝國海軍建造的一型戰列艦。
該級首艦金剛號戰列艦在英國1911年1月17日正式動工,1912年5月18日下水,1913年8月16日完工。該級艦共建造4艘:金剛號、比叡號、榛名號、霧島號。按照日本海軍命名慣例,命名源自山名。金剛級戰列艦各艦全部在第二次世界大戰的太平洋戰爭中戰沉 。Kongo class battleship (English: Kongo class Battleship, Japanese: こんごうがたせんかん), is a type of battleship built by the Imperial Japanese Navy in the 1910s.
The King Kong-class battleship has a full load displacement of 35,560 tons, a shipboard power of 136,000 horsepower, a maximum speed of 30 knots, and an endurance of 10,000 nautical miles/18 knots. Shipborne weapons include 8 356mm main guns, 14 152mm secondary guns, 8 127mm anti-aircraft guns and 100 25mm anti-aircraft guns. This class of ship was later modified and improved twice on a large scale to improve combat performance.
The first ship of this class, the King Kong battleship, officially started construction in Britain on January 17, 1911, was launched on May 18, 1912, and was completed on August 16, 1913. Four ships of this class were built: Kongo, Hiei, Haruna, and Kirishima. According to the naming convention of the Japanese Navy, the name is derived from the mountain name. All of the King Kong-class battleships were sunk in the Pacific War of World War II.
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