FFVII - How far can I get at level 99 without healing? Part 2

Описание к видео FFVII - How far can I get at level 99 without healing? Part 2

As bosses get more HP, I need a little more luck at the beginning of the battles to be able to defeat them without taking damage. Setting ATB to Wait helps a little, as well as lowering the battle speed. Another thing that helps is that it's very easy to get critical hits. Once again, Palmer gets to be the final boss of one of these multi battle videos.

I took more damage than necessary against Bottomswell, as I had everyone in front row since Motor Ball, but I doubt any double digit damage will make a difference, so I didn't bother redoing it.

Fun fact: This video has just as many battles as the first one (9) and their lengths are less than a second apart.


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