Insel des Lichts Christine Neubauer

Описание к видео Insel des Lichts Christine Neubauer

For many years, the popular life coach Nora Bernd has been delighting an audience of millions with her TV programs. Thanks to her empathetic manner, she makes people talk in front of the camera and mends troubled relationships. But the passionate advocate of marriage and family virtue suddenly falls into the twilight when her adult daughter Jenny explains on a live broadcast that her mother left her and her father ten years ago for another man. The news hits like a bomb: A flood of indignant letters to the editor forces program director Wörner to cancel Nora's show. Devastated, Nora wants to retreat to the island of Rügen - but a car accident confines her to a wheelchair for a while. Nora is dependent on outside help. Jenny, of all people, saved her mother from the pack of reporters and brought her to her parents' house on Rügen. But Jenny cannot forgive her mother, with whom she has had no contact since she was 13. On behalf of a large magazine, she is writing a revelatory story in which she wants to reveal the double standards of her honorable mother. Little Jenny has no idea that her father Heiner, who lives as a failed artist on Rügen, has told her a big lie to this day. When Jenny confronts him on her mother's advice, she learns what actually happened back then
Christine Neubauer spielt in "Insel des Lichts" eine populäre TV-Psychologin, die sich endlich einer Lebenslüge stellen und einen Weg zur Versöhnung mit ihrer Tochter finden muss. Julia Hartmann überzeugt als Jenny, die ihre Mutter neu kennenlernt. Auch die weiteren Rollen sind sicher besetzt mit Martin Glade, Ole Tillmann, Ruth Maria Kubitschek, Jan Fedder und Helmut Zierl. Wolf Gremm adaptierte das Buch der populären US-Bestsellerautorin Kristin Hannah und führte auch Regie. Gedreht wurde vor dem einzigartigen Naturpanorama der größten deutschen Insel Rügen.


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