Shorthand Dawn News|Dictation|84-wpm speed|for preparation of Stenographer Test|English Shorthand|

Описание к видео Shorthand Dawn News|Dictation|84-wpm speed|for preparation of Stenographer Test|English Shorthand|

This is English Shorthand channel.
I uploaded Dawn News passage No.25 for preparation of stenographer test in different department for shorthand student. This dawn news passage takes International News and this passage is very important for taking dictation in different department. This passage is very important and I recorded speed 84 word per minute. In this passage total word 320.
Dear shorthand students please take Pdf file from description and firstly read out this passage then take dictation more than ten times. Dear students please read out spelling and practices of outlines.
This passage is recorded at a speed of 84 word per minute.
This passage total word is 320
This passage PDF link is available.
This passage topic is women's day.
This passage PDF link:-

Dear shorthand students, shorthand is a hundred percent subject. This passage note down for ten times on note book then read out and typed on computer then count mistakes.




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