Супергрузовик с воздушной бомбой F-15EX

Описание к видео Супергрузовик с воздушной бомбой F-15EX

F-15EX所掛載的空對空導彈數量,達到了驚人的22枚,可攜帶彈藥總重超過了 13噸這個數字對於運輸機或轟炸機來說不算什麼。但是大家別忘了,他可是戰機。單是這一點就讓 F-15EX 成為了迄今為止,全球最能載重的空中優勢戰機。
The number of air-to-air missiles mounted on the F-15EX has reached an astonishing 22, and the total weight of the ammunition it can carry exceeds 13 tons. This number is nothing for a transport aircraft or bomber. But don't forget, he is a fighter. This alone makes the F-15EX the most capable air superiority fighter in the world to date.


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