Salt Lake Open 1250pt US Army List Overview

Описание к видео Salt Lake Open 1250pt US Army List Overview

The Utah State Bolt Action Championship is upon us, and to us wargamers here in Salt Lake City, it is many things: It’s our final event and sendoff for Bolt Action Version 2 - its the first two day, five game Bolt Action tournament in our state of Utah, and as it is a competitive event, it will be the death of flavorful, thematic army lists - well, maybe not that last part. Turns out, you CAN have your cake and eat it too when it comes to running a tooled up, flavorful Bolt Action army. Let’s take a look at my selections, and predict whether or not my list has what it takes to restore Utah’s honor.

instagram: ‪@scalehistoryslc819‬scalehistoryslc

The text over the mmg team: "I know that the m1917 water cooled
machine gun fires .30 cal ammunition
and is therefore classed in the Bolt
Action rules as an MMG, not an HMG.
At the time of uploading this video
i am scrambling to kitbash together a
proper HMG team but if it doesn't
happen, the world will go on,
I promise!"


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