ISO 14040 / 14044 Goal and Scope Definition Phase

Описание к видео ISO 14040 / 14044 Goal and Scope Definition Phase

Life cycle assessments for electronics:

Ready to expand your knowledge of product LCAs? Welcome to Part Two of our video series about life cycle assessments. Explore the Goal and Scope Definition Phase as outlined in ISO 14040 and 14044.

First, we will take a high-level overview of the Goal and Scope Definition Phase of the LCA.

Next, visit each of these subcategories one at a time to understand their formal definitions. Important concepts are revisited or referenced so that technical terms do not prevent us from exploring some topics in great detail.

Finally, get acquainted with the finer points of scope definition, and how we can use it to set up a clean and rigorous study as we move forward into the executive phases of the life cycle assessment.

Digital Product Passports →
Product Life Cycles →
The ISO 14040 Family of Standards →

0:00 Video Series Overview
1:03 Goal and Scope Definition Phase Overview
2:04 Goal Definition Guidelines
4:24 Intro to Scope Definition
5:42 Crafting Your Scope
9:19 A Quick Note about the Functional Unit
12:36 Exploring the System Boundary
14:28 Refining the System Boundary
16:58 Cut-off Criteria
21:05 Outro
+ 1-514 887 7871

Keywords: life cycle analysis assessment study LCA inventory impact improvement interpretation ISO international organization standards standardization 14001 14040 14044 raw materials resources product passport active use user end life end-of-life phase recycle recover repurpose result disposal landfill electronics digital device environment-friendly responsible manufacture fabricate standard compliance solution regulation framework

Music Credits: “To The Top” (D. Kruglov)


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