SCX24 Hot Racing & SSD Upgrades

Описание к видео SCX24 Hot Racing & SSD Upgrades

The SCX24 deadbolt sees its first round of upgrades from Hot Racing and SSD!

Hot Racing Friction shocks -

Hot Racing Steering Linkage -

SSD RC SCX24 1.0” Aluminum/Brass 5-Slot Beadlock Wheels

Hot Racing Axial SCX24 Deadbolt Aluminum Link Set -

Axial SCX24 1.0" Rock Lizards Tires -

All music used in this production is so used under end user license extension obtained via the purchase and usage of LumaTouch editing software as follows:

WHEREAS, the Licensee desires to obtain certain rights to the Music for using it
Distribute as part of any Luma Touch Product
For use buy Luma Touch Customers while creating their own video and audio productions

GRANT OF LICENSE. MusicBox Studios owns songs. In accordance with this Agreement, the Copyright Owner hereby grants to the Licensee, its successors and assigns, subject to the payments set forth below, the right, license and privilege to distribute the music in any Luma Touch Product. This license also grants Luma Touch's customers the right to use the music, in whole or in part, modified or unmodified, royalty free, in their own productions created and/or edited with any LumaTouch product. Paul Dobynes, MusicBox Studios retains title and ownership of the Music.
Luma Touch customers shall have the right to record and rerecord in any geographical area, the Music only in synchronism or time relation with the audio or visual materials prepared ("production") using a Luma Touch app, and to reproduce, distribute, import and sell said production on CD-ROM, DVD or CD-I, web or electronically, throughout any geographical area.


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