Описание к видео RECONCILIATION AND JESUS -- NCC 140928

Jesus is our perfect model for reconciliation.
I. Jesus made the first move.
A. Incarnation (Phil.2:4-8)
B. “while we were yet sinners” (Rom.5:8)
II. Jesus gave it his best
A. “set his face toward Jerusalem” (Lk.9:51)
B. “let this cup pass, nevertheless…” (Mt.26:39)
III. Jesus gave all
A. “all gave some; some gave all” (tattooed on arm of Josh)
B. “no greater love than a man to lay down his life…” (Jn.15:13)
C. “husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the church…” (Eph.5:25)
IV. Jesus was/is patient, longsuffering, …
A. “close enough to perfect for me” Alabama
B. “knows our frame; we are dust…” (Ps.103:14)
V. Jesus was forgiving and non-condemning/judging
A. “Father, forgive them…” (Lk.23:34)
B. “neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (Jn.8:11)
VI. Jesus had love, and tough-love
A. Takes where we are and moves us to where we need to be.
B. Not the same as “remaking” a spouse.
C. Goals for relationship?!
D. “follow me…”


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