Best Freshwater Snails for Aquariums: A Look at 14 Popular Species!

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Discover 14 Popular Freshwater Snail Species for Your Aquarium.. These multi-purpose misunderstood snails are more than their vibrant, yet unique exterior.

Let's start from Nerite Snails. They are famously known for their beautifully decorated zebra-like shell pattern which makes them hard to ignore. These snails are well known to be the best algae eaters, making them great tank cleaners and filterers.

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Ramshorn snails
These snails are also known for their algae-eating ability, however, they can and will reproduce quickly; therefore more attention needs to be directed towards them if reproduction is one of your concerns.

Mystery Snail or Pomacea bridgesii
These snails also make great tank habitat mates. They are generally safe with plants in the aquarium. The bigger their size the bigger the disclaimer.

Ivory snails or Pomacea bridgesii
These strikingly fascinating snails resembling “golden apples” were briefly introduced. Besides being another snail algae eater and a detritus devourer, these snails are known for their ease of care and fascinating behavior.

Malaysian Trumpet Snail
They are easily identified by their elongated, conical shell with as many as 10 whorls. While they can make efficient scavengers and tank cleaners, thanks to their demanding appetite.

Assassin Snail
They are known as carnivores who can be your very own natural pest control. Their reputation of being a population controller has made them popular pets to get the job done.

Bladder Snail
This snail species are air-breathing freshwater snails that are characterized as small yellow-brown, sinistral shells with short blunt spires. They make excellent scavengers and cleaners for aquarium tanks.

Rabbit Snail
These exotically looking snails are brightly colored, have large snouts resembling an elephant’s and have two lengthy antennas that look like rabbit ears.

Apple Snail
This snail’s name comes from one of their species being able to grow to be the size of an apple. They can handle periods of drought followed by periods of excessive rainfall.

Great Pond Snail
This snail species, native to the UK, is also known to be a scavenger as it will eat detritus, fish waste, dead plants, leftover fish food, dead fish, algae, and blanket weed. They are superior cleaners than most snails.

Japanese Trapdoor Snail
These snails have a reputation of being very tranquil and non-aggressive algae-eating pond snails. Due to their docile and peaceful personalities, they should be kept in tanks that are free from predators that can harm and kill them.

Giant Ramshorn Snail or Marisa cornuarietis
These snails are different from the Ramshorn snails as they are larger in size and decorative in appearance. Despite their large size, they are considered peaceful freshwater snails who will not bother other tank inhabitants.

Spixi Snail
This striped aquarium snail is considered the rarest snail species by hobbyists. They are a type of apple snail known for their yellow shells with dark stripes.

Tower Cap Snail
This rare aquarium snail is uncommon, which adds a captivating allure to any aquarium tank. They have a conical shell with vibrant colors making them visually appealing.

Zebra Thorn Snail
These naturally tiny snails have black and yellow spiral patterns on their shells and small spikes that protrude from the front. They are known for eating algae off of plants, glass, and decorations; including green algae that can be difficult to remove.

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