2022 Callaway Rogue ST Max/Max D Driver Review | Curated

Описание к видео 2022 Callaway Rogue ST Max/Max D Driver Review | Curated

Does the latest driver from Callaway live up to expectations?

Curated Experts Miguel Bell and Jim Miller put the Callaway Rogue ST Max driver to the test at Talking Stick Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Overall, the driver looks big and meaty behind the ball, feels strong through impact, and doesn’t feel like there’s any loss of force at address. AI-designed Flash Face Technology increases ball speed, while the tungsten cartridge in the back of the club puts weight low and in the back, promoting stability.

This straight and shoot driver works well for a broad range of golfers, from low handicappers who don’t want to work the ball as much to mid to high handicappers who would appreciate the club’s distance and forgiveness. It is not ideal for more advanced players who want to bend the ball in different directions; they might want a smaller head and a little less perimeter weighting. Highly-skilled, single-digit handicap players would be better served by other options on the market.

If you have any questions about whether the Rogue ST Max is the right driver for your game, reach out to chat with Miguel here: https://www.curated.com/experts/migue...

Or Jim here: https://www.curated.com/experts/jim.m...

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