Tech Review I Cooper Cooler Showcase & Giveaway

Описание к видео Tech Review I Cooper Cooler Showcase & Giveaway

And here we...GO

Today Im going to start a new phase of reviewing on the channel. A lot of you guys requested that I do tech reviews so this and the recent iPhone 7 unboxing I did will hopefully be the start of many Modern Tech reviews.

The cooper cooler is a revolutionary beverage chilling system that allows you to chill on demand, sodas ( cans, bottles) and other drinks such as wine and spirits including beer. The system chills your beverage evenly and to the perfect drinking temperature from room temperature. All while leaving you with room in your refrigerator. HUGE thanks to the folks at Cooper Cooler for partnering with me for this review and sponsoring this giveaway.

Filmed using a Canon EOS Rebel T6i
Edited Final Cut Pro X
Products Featured:
You can find the cooper here:
Shirt Courtesy of this link for 25% off your purchase at!-
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Giveaway Details:
in 1 week 5 subscribers will be chosen at random, from this video and will receive the following:
4 Cooper Cooler T-shirts-1 shirt per subscriber for a total of 4 prizes.
1 subscriber will be chosen to win a free Cooper Cooler Rapid Beverage Chiller Free.

All prizes will be fulfilled by Cooper Cooler Directly.

To qualify for this giveaway, you must:
1-Be a subscriber
2-Like this video
3-Comment below where your watching from.

This Contest is open to US residents only. Before each winner is contacted, I will check to verify they are a subscriber, and additional names will be chosen if need be.
Music: "Troubling" via Epidemic Sound

Products in this video:
Cooper Cooler Rapid Beverage & Wine Chiller, Silver -

Cooper Cooler Rapid Beverage & Wine Chiller, Silver -


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