How to use a Storage Heaters

Описание к видео How to use a Storage Heaters

Electric storage heaters are a way of heating homes that often don’t have access to the gas network. They make the most of the cheaper electricity rates at night-time charge up and then release heat throughout the day.
First things first, if you have storage heaters you must make sure you are on an Economy 7 or 10 energy tariff – this is essential as it makes it affordable to charge heaters overnight.

The important thing with storage heaters is getting used to forward planning. You always need to check the weather forecast for the next day so that you know how much to charge your heaters and only charge them in the rooms that you’ll need them.

It takes a bit of trial and error to work out which setting your heaters need to be on overnight to match the weather but you’ll get there!
Before you go to bed ensure the output is on the lowest setting (0 or 1) and set input to the desired level of energy based on what you’ll need the next day – the higher the number, the more energy you’ll be storing.

Repeat this for each storage heater in your home that you want to use the next day.

In the morning, gradually turn your output from low to high throughout the day. Start on number 1, then if you start to feel the cold move to 2 or 3 and so on. This way you retain heat for the evening.

Your heaters may have a boost button to use if they run out of heat, however, bear in mind that this will be using peak time electricity so will cost you more to run.
Some other important things to remember are:
• Don’t block your storage heaters with furniture or the heat won’t be able to circulate
• Don’t cover them with curtains, make sure your curtains are the right length
• Putting a shelf above your heater or a reflector behind it helps keep heat inside the home, rather than disappearing out the window
If you have storage heaters, you are likely to have an emersion heater for hot water. This works by heating water and storing it at a certain temperature.

If it has a timer then make sure you set it to heat the water overnight when electricity is cheaper. If the water tank has a thermostat, set this no higher than 60 degrees. This temperature sterilises the tank and prevents bacteria from growing without wasting electricity.
Most importantly with storage heaters, it is about trial and error, but after a few goes, you will start to understand how your heaters settings work.


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