656. Bhagavan Ramana Satsang - Know the Truth & be free forever!

Описание к видео 656. Bhagavan Ramana Satsang - Know the Truth & be free forever!

25th March 2024

In this Satsang, Sanjay emphasized the importance of self-inquiry, overcoming conditioning, and the value of pure silence in gaining true awareness. He highlighted the significance of recognizing and appreciating the inherent, pure bliss within each individual, and the need to shift from the mind to the heart for true self-awareness.


1) Ego I is the doer & sufferer. Deeply question: Who am I? & the ego I will dissolve in the real I in the heart. Self inquiry will lead to Self realization & then finally to Self abidance!

2) Pure Silence is best known by being quiet & keeping the mind out of the way. In Self attention, you start where you have to end. The path & the goal are thus identical.

3) When the mind becomes dispassionate & introverted, it becomes no-mind. Self then reveals Itself to Itself. Now you know your true formless Self & go beyond birth, death & becoming!

These recordings are from live Satsangs at Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Centre in Melbourne, Australia. Satsangs are conducted by Dr Sanjay Raghav & pointers during the Satsang are compiled by Dr Vidya Narasimhan. Sometimes during Satsangs Shlokas/Mantra recital by Vedantin Neelakantan ji.

If you wish to join live online Satsang, please join through the Satsang page on the Conscious Circle website (https://www.consciouscircle.com.au/sa....

Satsang is a Sanskrit term derived from two roots: sat meaning Truth and sangha meaning community, company, or association. It can be translated as "associating with good people" or simply "being in the company of truth," and refers to the act of gathering with Sattvic-minded, uplifting beings, especially spiritual seekers. Satsang is different from any course or lecture because the energy field in it allows for clarity, stillness, and expanded awareness to be experienced by those who seek it. Whenever something increases your awareness of the Truth, it opens your Heart and quiets your mind. Satsang is one of the most effective means of transcending your mind and staying in the egoless state which can be called enlightenment, liberation, freedom, moksha, nirvana or simply abiding in Self. We call our Satsang lovingly as Bhagavan Satsang as they are all due to his grace, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.

According to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi Satsang means only Atma Sang (Association with Self). Those who are trying to be in Self can come in the company of realized beings/Sadhus/Saints/Sages and that is also Satsang. Those who come in the company of Jivanmuktas also become Jivanmuktas. Bhagavan explained the importance of Satsang by quoting Tayumanuvar, Suta Samhita, and Kaivalya Navanitam.

Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi is widely thought of as one of the most outstanding Indian spiritual teachers of recent times. Having attained enlightenment at the age of 16, he was drawn to the holy mountain of Arunachala in southern India and remained there for the rest of his life. Arunachala mountain itself is considered to be self-manifested Lingam, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Just by looking at it with reverence liberation will happen. Attracted by his stillness, quietness, and teachings, thousands sought his guidance on issues ranging from the nature of God to daily life.
The philosophy of Advaita or Non-Duality has become, along with Buddhism, one of the most popular spiritual paths being pursued by those interested in enlightenment today. During the past three decades, Advaita has become more widely recognized in the West through the ever-growing popularity of Ramana Maharshi. His point of view has for its aim Self-realization. The central path taught in this philosophy is the inquiry into the nature of Self, the content of the notional 'I-thought'.
“Here is the sun, we are all the stars in daytime”, were the spontaneous words uttered by Sri Sri Ma Anandamayi, when She stood solemnly in front of Sri Bhagavan’s Samādhi shrine in 1952. Ma had come specially to Sri Ramanasramam to lay the foundation stone for the construction over the Samādhi of Sri Bhagavan. Those who were present on that occasion still remember and recollect the meticulous and measured way She handed over brick after brick to lay the foundation! Even when the traditional pūrṇa kumbha was offered to Her at the entrance of the Ashram, Ma graciously remarked: “Why all this? Do you do all these when a daughter comes to her father’s house!”

Om Peace Peace Peace.

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