Conversations with a Master Bow Maker: Yung Chin, Ep. 1, "How it started"

Описание к видео Conversations with a Master Bow Maker: Yung Chin, Ep. 1, "How it started"

Welcome to our new series, Conversations with a Master Bow Maker.  For the longest time, I've wanted to bring Yung Chin onto our channel, to talk about his experience as a bow maker, repairer, restorer and dealer.  I met Yung the first time I came to NYC, as a 15 year old looking for a bow to buy.  I found it at Yung's shop, and I've been going to him for all my bow needs ever since then.  And during that time, I realized he wasn't just the guy that did my bow rehairs- he was the guy, the one who's written books and created bow making programs, the one who makes tremendous efforts in making pernambuco wood a renewable resource, and works with the likes of Kremer, Milstein, Vengerov, Midori- that list could just be endless.  Yung is a limitless font of information, and here I was just stopping by a few times a year, asking for a bow rehair!  So when we realized that our YouTube Channel was taking off, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to share his knowledge and insight with our subscribers.

Then, of course, covid hit, and we had to wait a year.  But here we are, and here is the series!  This first small episode is about how he got his start in the bow world, and we will continue on from there in the weeks to come.

To learn more about Yung:

Instagram: atonalhitsmusic, whirligig88

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Listen to other albums of Katha Zinn and Illya Filshtinskiy on Spotify:


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