Establishing a Western US Integrated Vegetation Management Network... TREE Fund Webinar

Описание к видео Establishing a Western US Integrated Vegetation Management Network... TREE Fund Webinar

Dr. Christopher Halle presented during the TREE Fund Webinar Series on June 18, 2024.

This research and presentation was funded through TREE Fund's Utility Arborist Research Fund,

This presentation will provide an overview of the establishment of a fledgling Integrated Vegetation Management network in the western United States at three sites, ranging from low elevation grassland / oak environments, to higher altitude mixed conifer forests. Each site contained sections treated with “mechanical only” means, along with sections treated with herbicides. The protocols developed specifically for implementation by student research teams have proven useful in documenting vegetation change and associated pollinator utilization seasonally and annually, particularly as some of the sites have recovered from wildfire. The presentation will provide not only an overview of the protocols and initial observations, but also discuss some of the “ancillary” studies that have arisen as part of this collaboration. The presentation will conclude with a brief summary of lessons learned, and some suggestions for future partnerships.



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