Super Golf - Arctic Course in 23 Shots

Описание к видео Super Golf - Arctic Course in 23 Shots

The Condor on 17 wouldn't fall for me but otherwise perfect game.

UPDATE - Fixes changes in the new update and a Hole change on 8 render some of these obsolete. I probably won't go through and redo them all.

Update 2:
remember a lot of these may not work anymore as I havent played the game in months and I haven't followed the updates that they have made.

people are asking how to do this yourself-on mobile I'm not sure how to be consistent but on PC it's very simple. make your own or download a crosshair, reduce your DPI or lower your sensitivity, use the built-in windows zoom feature to make sure you're on the right pixel, then just experiment and find a consistent way to do each hole that works for you and repeat it each time. remember that when you are doing your power level each animation change on the bar will be a new slightly different power so you want to make sure you do that the same as well. It's very simple It just takes time and make notes on each hole to help you remember.


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