District Apostle Schnabel NAC USA Announcements - Summer 2024

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A summary of links mentioned in this video:
New Sunday School Curriculum

The Chosen Small Group – Season 1

Regroup, Reflect, Remember Sunday Sermon Small Group

Reflections on Prayer book

Season of Thanksgiving Resources - Coming October 1st

Chief Apostle visit to San Francisco registration
District Apostle Schnabel NAC USA Announcements – Summer 2024

Beloved in Christ, I’d like to take a few moments to keep everyone informed about exciting and important updates within our USA district.

Sunday School
With the start of our new learning year, we’re happy to introduce a new Sunday School curriculum for our children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Many teachers around the country have already participated in online trainings to help ensure a smooth and effective rollout for this new material. For more information on this new curriculum, please visit this link (www.nac-usa.org/sundayschool) or scan the QR code.

Those responsible for early faith formation, our parents and teachers, are extremely important to me. I believe this new curriculum will enhance your efforts and continue to equip you to be stewards of the souls God has given you. Your dedication, love, and commitment to nurturing the spiritual growth of our youngest members is truly inspiring, and we are deeply grateful for your work.

Small Group
Because we never stop learning and there is always more to know and understand about the dimensions and depths of God’s love, we also encourage everyone to participate in small group discussions. Small group is a place where all can share and explore what you believe and grow in your relationship with Christ and those around you. Between now and October, 4 new small group resources will become available.

The NAC USA has created small group content based on the popular series, “The Chosen.” This series has been well received in Christendom, particularly by young adults. “The Chosen” brings a visual element to the Biblical narratives and characters we’ve grown up with since Sunday School. We found the episodes to generally be very good and biblically based, along with some artistic liberty from the show’s creators. Season 1 is now available in both English and Spanish. I particularly encourage our young adult to check this out.

Another small group resource, coming mid-September, is “She is Called.” This 14-part series, available in English and Spanish, explores the stories of women in the Bible. Written mutually by both men and women, this inclusive series is designed for all and equips congregations to build God’s church together.

Another new resource to draw your attention to is a product called, “Regroup, Remember, Reflect.” These discussion guides will be published each month and prompt discussions on the main themes of the Sunday divine services, bridging the Sundays.

October also begins our Season of Thanksgiving. To support our international theme for 2024, “Prayer Works,” our resources during the Season of Thanksgiving will focus on prayer. A final small group option to highlight is a curriculum based on “Reflections on Prayer.” This series, as well as new “Questions for Curious Kids” videos will be among the tools available for families, small groups, and individuals to enhance their Season of Thanksgiving. This material will be available at this link (www.nac-usa.org/thanksgiving), starting October 1st.

Please understand, it isn’t expected that all small groups discuss all of this material. I wanted to expand the library of resources so that small groups and facilitators continue to be equipped to choose the content that best fits them as they pursue a deepening relationship with the Lord.

Chief Apostle in San Francisco
Also in October, Chief Apostle Schneider will be in San Francisco to conduct a divine service for the USA district. This service will take place October 13th, at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront hotel. In addition to being a national webcast to all USA district congregations, at 10:00am Pacific / 1:00pm Eastern, space is available for those who would like to attend the divine service in person.

Registration for attending the service in person is currently open at this link (www.nac-usa.org/chiefapostle).

As you can see, we have exciting developments and events to look forward to during the remaining few months of this year. I pray that God continue to inspire all of us with fresh impulses, renewed strength, and clearer focus as we prepare ourselves for Christ’s return.


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