蘇媽食譜 | 鮑魚雞煲 | 懶人版、惹味、豪華版煲仔菜、聞到都流口水 | Braised Chicken With Abalone | EN & INDO cc

Описание к видео 蘇媽食譜 | 鮑魚雞煲 | 懶人版、惹味、豪華版煲仔菜、聞到都流口水 | Braised Chicken With Abalone | EN & INDO cc

惹味嘅雞煲不嬲都受歡迎,加埋鮑魚仲正,將佢變成豪華版嘅煲仔菜! 傳統煲仔菜用瓦煲煮,上檯果時發出嘅渣渣聲,至今仍係昔日喺街邊大排檔同三五知己飲住啤酒食飯嘅美好回憶。今次同大家分享用鑄鐵鍋去做「鮑魚雞煲」,鑄鐵鍋喺保存熱力方面好犀利,令個鮑魚雞煲上咗檯好耐都仲係熱辣辣,梗係更好味!
In Chinese culture, abalone is usually served during special osccasions such as festival or birthdays. This classic dish which includes abalone and chicken, has the meaning rich and prosperous. The abalone and chicken is deliciously braised in a combination of sauces that makes your month water, and it's rich in flavour and color.

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雞 半隻
鮑魚 10隻
薑 幾片
蒜 4瓣
乾蔥 6顆
洋蔥 1個
芹菜 幾根
大蒜 幾根
蔥 幾根
鹽 1茶匙
糖 1茶匙
蠔油 1湯匙
酒 2湯匙

Chicken half
Abalone 10pcs
Ginger few slices
Garlic 4 cloves
Shallot 6 pcs
Onion 1
Chinese celery few stalk
Leek few stalk
Spring Onion few stalk
Salt 1 tsp
Sugar 1tsp
Oyster Sauce 1 tbsp
Wine 2 tbsp

setengah ayam
Abalon 10 pcs
Jahe beberapa iris
bawang putih 4 siung
Bawang merah 6
bawang merah 1
seledri cina 1 batang
Bawang perai 1 batang
Bawang daun 1 batang
garam 1 sdt
Gula 1 sdt
Saus tiram 1 sdm
Anggur 2 sdm

#鮑魚雞煲 #煲仔菜 #雞煲 #鮑魚 #雞食譜 #惹味 #快煮 #蘇媽 #蘇樺偉媽媽 #家常菜 #食譜 #烹飪 #易煮 #蘇樺偉媽媽
#BraisedChickenWithAbalone #ChickenRecipe #Chicken #Abalone #Appetizer #AsianDish #HongKongFood #SoMa #HomeMadeDish #Recipe #Cook #EasyRecipe
#LeCreusetHK #LeCreusetMarmite #LC媽咪鍋

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