Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Webinar - March 13, 2024 (Recorded)

Описание к видео Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) Webinar - March 13, 2024 (Recorded)

What is CSP?

The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) offers technical and financial assistance to help agricultural and forest producers take their conservation efforts to the next level.

The program is designed to compensate agricultural and forest producers who agree to increase their level of conservation by adopting additional conservation activities and maintaining their baseline level of conservation. CSP is for producers who are passionate about conservation and environmental stewardship.

What are the benefits?
CSP may provide many benefits, including increased crop productivity, decreased inputs, wildlife habitat improvements and increased resilience to weather extremes. CSP also encourages adoption of new technologies and management techniques.

For example, CSP can help you:

-Schedule timely planting and management of cover crops
-Develop a grazing plan that will improve your forage base
-Implement no-till to reduce erosion or manage forested areas in a way that benefits wildlife habitat

In this webinar, we go into more detail on what CSP is and the eligibility requirements. We also share enhancement and payment scenarios.


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