Short HELP Talks: Homeopathy for Kidney Stones

Описание к видео Short HELP Talks: Homeopathy for Kidney Stones

This is a short video by Dr.Rahul Joshi on how to treat kidney (renal) stones with homeopathy. Dr.Rahul Joshi can be contacted on [email protected].

Welcome to HELP Library short 5 minute talks. A very innovative series of lectures.Today Dr.Rahul Joshi - am going to talk on homeopathy treatment of kidney - renal stones.Very common nowadays - inspite of treatments and surgeries the stones recur.At the end the patients come to a homeopath to cure the problem homeopathy has a detailed understanding of the stones disappear in a couple of days.Its not a miracle, it is medical science. There are several reasons why homeopathy is going to work very well.The patient need not worry. With the helpof homeopathic medicines smaller stones are treated easily.We first ask the patient to get a sonography done before the treatmentand also after the treatment. We find that the stone is no longer there.We do investigations, we see if its a calcium stone or phosphate stone or a mixed stone.Diet regimen has to followed accordingly. I would recommend patients not to indulgein too much of non vegetarian food, or too much milk ....Certain amount of moderation should be followed by patients of renal stone.Calcium content needs to be reduced, drink a lot of water, coconut water.Go for walks, When patients go for homeopathic treatment post surgery - chances for recurrence of stones is reduced. Today I can say with conviction that homeopathyoffers good treatment for small and mid sized stones.Recurrence of stones can be avoided by taking homeopathy medicines. To prevent stones drink a lot of water, see that you don't dehydrate yourself and see that your para thyroid status is kept very well Overall homeopathy does wonders in treatment of renal stone disease. Thank you.


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