Wedding Traditions In Australia💖🦘👰🏻🤵

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Wedding Traditions In Australia.

Australia has several wedding traditions that have been developed and followed by various generations. These traditions still show the prevalence of the original Aboriginal practices as well as the unique symbolism that resulted from the influx of the nation’s diverse and multicultural population for the past 50 years.

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Ready to learn more about Australia’s unique wedding traditions? Here’s what you need to know.

Romancing The Stone.

Stones play a significant role in most Aussie weddings. One custom state that friends and family members
would place a stone in a bowl. Called the “unity bowl,” this is done to show their support in making the couple’s married life stronger and filled with love. In recent years, these stones are identified with colors, words or names of the wedding guests. Another unique custom is the Stone ceremony which goes back to the colonizing period when bridal rings were too expensive, and the newlyweds would seek for a more affordable alternative by throwing a stone into a lake. This tradition symbolizes the bride and groom’s promise to stay together despite the ups and downs that they may have in their married life.

Mother Earth.

People in Australia believe in the sacredness of their land during those times of unrest. In joyous occasions such as weddings, modern Australians hold the tradition of thanking and acknowledging the Earth and the several wars that have been fought on their soil. Couples believe that this beautiful tradition will bring them good fortune and help them start their new life as husband and wife with infinite blessings from the past.

The Bible as an heirloom.

In Australia, the groom’s family gives the newly married couple a special Bible which has been passed on from several generations. The couple has the responsibility to read from, care for, and eventually give the bible to the next set of the married couples in the family.

Celebrate with Didgeridoo music.

Didgeridoo is a musical instrument that’s traditionally created using the wood from a eucalyptus tree. It produces a deep sound which can be really cheerful as well as patriotic and nostalgic. Over time, the increasing popularity of Didgeridoo music allowed it to earn a special place in Australia’s traditional wedding receptions.

Equality in the aisle.

Western society practices the custom of the bride being walked down the aisle solely by her father. In Australia, the mother’s role has a well-deserved place in weddings. When the bride walks down the aisle she is accompanied not only by her father but also by her mother. The groom also has the privilege of walking to the altar with both of his parents.

The Smoking Ritual.

In the past, native Australians would have a ceremonial fire during the wedding ceremonies. They would burn
healing and fertility plants or tie them together before lighting them on fire, the smoke being inhaled by the bride and groom. This tradition, which is still practiced in modern Australian weddings, is believed to ward off evil spirits and give the couple a long life as well as many healthy children.

The Lamingtons wedding cake.

This traditional cake is a simpler version of the usual 3-layer wedding cakes, depicting Australia’s love for spontaneity, informality as well as the outdoors. It is a simple vanilla sponge cake that is cut in several square pieces, each piece covered with coconut flakes and soaked in chocolate. The coconut gives it an exotic and crunchy texture while the chocolate gives the cake a bitter taste. With its unique sweetness and flavor, the Lamingtons makes a perfect dessert to cap off the special occasion.

I’m sure that you would agree with me that Australians are truly warm and friendly people which are usually felt in the way they celebrate their weddings and traditions.

Thanks for watching it. If you have been to a wedding celebration in Australia and you’d like to share some insights, just hit the comment box below. Have a great 2020!

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