Critical Role Animatic (fanmade) _ Yasha's dream _ ep 105

Описание к видео Critical Role Animatic (fanmade) _ Yasha's dream _ ep 105

A moment in dreams during the Critical Role/campaign 2/episode 105.

The Mighty Nein are on Rumblecusp island to set up the Travelercon for Jester's friend, the Traveler.
Once arrived, the group of friends notices that it is inhabited by people constrained to stay here by the influence of an entity known as Vokodo.
Guided throughout the jungle by Vilya, the Mighty Nein are "making their way" to the volcano that Vokodo alias "Avocado" chose for his lair.
The night before the confrontation, after setting camp in a cavern littered with wrecked ships ; after a heartfelt conversation strengthening bonds already strong in the group, The Nein are finally going to sleep.

It is at this moment that Yasha is visited by her patron, the Stormlord, and he comes with a strong message.

This dream took me a while to animate alone, the more I worked on it, the more I felt the healing Yasha was going through as I was myself trying to let go and break my own chains.
I hope you feel it too.
Also, I would like to thank you who subscribed and liked my other video, I was not expecting such a welcome, but Critters are more powerful and passionate than I was expecting, I guess.
I should have known, after all, I'm a Critter too and so proud and thankful to be.

These characters are the property of the beloved cast of Critical Role.
This animatic is a way of saying thank you for the good moments spent with you, the laughs and tears, the unexpected and the private jokes,
a place to go when you are not feeling yourself or not feeling at all.
I had fun doing it and I hope you like it, especially you Critters ♥
See you, on another one, and as they like to remind us : don't forget to love each other !

And don't forget to watch Critical Role content ♥


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