My Mom, My Hero: surprising my Mom with Gifts for Mother’s Day

Описание к видео My Mom, My Hero: surprising my Mom with Gifts for Mother’s Day

My Mom loved her gifts but loved seeing my #1yearOld son Sire walking in person for the 1st time more! She saw videos but this was her 1st time seeing him walk in person! And he was walking up to her with #roses 🥰 #HappyMothersDay #MothersDay 2 my #Mama Eve Towns my mom means SO SO MUCH 2 me,I still remember 1 day in elementary school when I was sick,my mom ain't have NO CAR,but that ain't stop her from coming 2 get me,she walked I don't know HOW MANY MILES 2 my school,PUT ME ON HER BACK & walked me ALL THE WAY HOME ALL THOSE MILES ON HER BACK! I was a little kid & STILL remember that,it brings tears 2 my eyes still to this day thinking about that, I can sit here & write a BOOK about all the things my mom did 4 me but & how she was there 4 me & my brothers & sister WITHOUT my dad being there.She got the cards she was dealt REFUSED 2 FOLD & WON by raising me 2 the BEST if her ability,you did a #EPIC good job mom "There's no way I can pay you back but my plan is 2 show you that I understand YOU ARE APPRECIATED" - #Tupac voice I LOVE YOU MOM aka TWIN


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