Shake it Out!! The missing step between owning gear and being able to run it

Описание к видео Shake it Out!! The missing step between owning gear and being able to run it

Today I cover what and more importantly WHY being that missing step that exists between owning kit and actually being able to run it effectively. The Shake Out, from handguns and rifle to belts and boots dismiss this step at your own peril. #prepared #alwaysprepared #minutemen #stayprepared #militarygear #shtf #platecarriersetup #teotwawki #tactical #wrol #bugoutbag #bugoutgear #preppingforshtf #prepper #preppergear #platecarrier #warbelt #battlebelt #pistolbelt #minutemengear #shakeout #handguntraining #shtfrifle #ar15pistol #glock45 #glockmos #concealcarry #concernedcitizen

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