Maya: BlendShape, Softbody, MASH

Описание к видео Maya: BlendShape, Softbody, MASH

Maya offers so many possibilities, and even "simple" projects involve often more than one.

In this endeavour we start with a Superellipse. We then create Blend Shapes. The main Blend Shape object will become a Soft Body with a goal. We apply a vertex field, play with its intensity and the goal weight of the Super Shape. We animate the Blend Shape node to create even more dynamics. Finally we substitute the geometry with MASH objects, 100.000 to be precise ;-)

A nice rendering of the scene with an Arnold shader and about 20.000 MASH templates is here:

There is an error in the tutorial at around 7:30. I state that the nParticle Soft Body does not interact with the Nucleus solver – which for example provides gravity. nParticle Soft Bodies actually DO rely in the Nucleus!

There are quite a few particle and even more MASH tutorials in this channel. So, please feel free to use the search field. And, if you feel like supporting this channel:


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