Excel - Overcoming "Static" Conditional Formatting

Описание к видео Excel - Overcoming "Static" Conditional Formatting

Learn how to overcome the limitations of Conditional Formatting when it comes to dynamic user input. Several creative uses of named ranges, as well as statistical and logical functions are showcased in this project.

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00:03 Wonders of Conditional Formatting
00:39 Limits of Conditional Formatting
01:00 Dynamic Highlight Rules (Good)
01:52 Static Top/Bottom Rules (Bad)
02:38 Finished Version (Preview)
03:23 Showcasing the "Typical" Method
03:48 Overview of Process (Steps to Completion)
04:21 Naming the Data
04:47 Creating Dropdown Lists for User Input
06:20 Distinguishing Between Integers and Percentages
07:41 Creating "Top" / "Bottom" Calculations
10:27 Calculating Percentiles
11:51 Deciding Between Calculations
12:43 Testing the Formula for Conditional Formatting
13:44 Applying the Formula to Conditional Formatting
14:47 Recapping the Process


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