Hot Topic : The pressure I’m getting from my husband is too much. Please help!

Описание к видео Hot Topic : The pressure I’m getting from my husband is too much. Please help!

I grew up staying at a children’s home together with my young sister, but we were not orphans. We were told that our mother went overseas after she had committed crimes. We never heard anything about our dad.I am full time housewife , married for 11 years to my High School sweetheart who is taking good care of me with the little that he earns. All this time we have been together, we are renting. We have plans to have our own house but currently cant afford. Some other time a lady came to my place saying my mother died overseas but she left us a house. I agreed with my sister to take the house. My sister is married and she already has a house. The problem is that my husband wants us to sell the house and buy a smaller one and start a business. I was honest with him to say I cant make the decision without involving my sister. The pressure I am getting from my husband is now too much. What should I do? Please help!


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