The London Force, or Dispersion Force Animation

Описание к видео The London Force, or Dispersion Force Animation

Non-polar molecules also show similar behaviour. We know that all substances, noble gases included, exist in solid and liquid states in certain conditions. This indicates that there must be some sort of intermolecular interaction which cannot be assigned to simple electrostatic attractions or forces.

These interactions were called dispersion forces. German physicist Fritz London discovered these forces. In 1930, he proposed that when temporary fluctuations in the distribution of electrons occur within atoms and non-polar molecules, it leads to the production of temporary instantaneous dipole moments, which produce attractive forces called London dispersion forces between non-polar substances.

00:02 Neon Electron Configuration
00:32 Quantum Atomic Model for Neon
01:44 Positive Polarity and Negative Polarity
02:25 Instantaneous Dipole
03:00 Induced Dipole
04:05 London Forces


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