MMA meets Hapkido part 1 When Hapkido Collides With MMA. Our Encounter With South Korean Masters

Описание к видео MMA meets Hapkido part 1 When Hapkido Collides With MMA. Our Encounter With South Korean Masters

During the Hapkido summercamp of 2019 we trained one week with 2 Korean masters of Combat MMA. The name of their style is Kyuksuldo. Every day we trainied 8-10 hours and we had a great and inspiring week and shared a lot of knowledge.

Turned out our styles have many things in common. For example the use of flow and focussing on repetition of the basics.

Kyuksuldo is more a combat and fighting style, where Hapkido is focused on martial art aspects. I hope we can meet again soon in The Netherlands or South-Korea.

This summercamp was organised by Hapkido Urk (Chongmukwan).


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