"Feldeinsamkeit" - Anna Lucia Richter and Ammiel Bushakevitz

Описание к видео "Feldeinsamkeit" - Anna Lucia Richter and Ammiel Bushakevitz

Discover "Brahms Lieder" https://lnk.to/BrahmsLieder

On her third Pentatone album Brahms Lieder, Anna Lucia Richter returns to the German lied, making her recording debut as a mezzo-soprano with a recital of Brahms songs, together with pianist Ammiel Bushakevitz. Brahms is particularly suitable for this recording debut as his songs fit the mezzo-soprano voice like a glove, and the pieces presented here range from love poetry and dark Romanticism to folk songs, including the world-famous Wiegenlied.

Ich ruhe still im hohen grünen Gras
Und sende lange meinen Blick nach oben,
Von Grillen rings umschwirrt ohn’ Unterlass,
Von Himmelsbläue wundersam umwoben.
Die schönen weißen Wolken ziehn dahin
Durchs tiefe Blau, wie schöne stille Träume; -
Mir ist, als ob ich längst gestorben bin,
Und ziehe selig mit durch ew’ge Räume.

(English translation)

Field solitude
I rest quietly in tall green grass
and gaze steadily aloft,
surrounded by unceasing crickets,
wondrously clothed in a blue sky.
The lovely white clouds go drifting by
through the deep blue, like beautiful, silent
I feel as if I have long been dead,
drifting happily with them through eternal space.

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