MLW 10 FPA-4

Описание к видео MLW 10 FPA-4

As usual the video is available in HD.
MLW 10 - FPA-4. Alco roots but MLW designed and built.
VIA Rail meet at Ste-Rosalie.
No horn and bell were used on this video as it tends to be annoying... sometimes.
About the various cars and loco: These passenger trains required a lot of work to make them acceptable on the layout. Out of the box: Very nice model and nice details. Sound is good too. The LRC : Loco and cars are nice models but a challenge to make it work. Changed the wheels (with wheels bearing - provided by Rapido) The manufacturer has replaced the motor of the loco. The FPA-4 had very little time and runs great. The smooth sided cars - did require tweaking.
Thanks for watching
Comme a l’habitude vidéo dispo en haute-définition (HD)
Rencontre de deux trains de VIA à Ste-Rosalie
Pas de klaxon et cloche sur cette vidéo car ça peu devenir fatigant a la longue...
A propos des rames: Se sont tous de beau modèles, et le son est bon, par contre leurs caractéristique de roulement d'origine est difficile. Le LRC le manufacturier a changé le moteur de la loco. Pour les wagons LRC changer les roues . Le FPA-4 roule bien et a un excellent son.
Bon visionnement.


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