Musicians Have The Best, Worst Business | Pete Barter | TEDxUNISA

Описание к видео Musicians Have The Best, Worst Business | Pete Barter | TEDxUNISA

Musicians are typically known for not having a handle on business and many have their career wings clipped by lack of business know-how, as do profitable organisations, by not being able to front up with a creative pivot to stay in the game when the need arises. Pete shares what elements both, business and musician can implement. More importantly, how they can cross pollinate their abilities to locate and attract a strong consumer uptake with an innovative Edge. Pete is an Author, Speaker, Musician, Mentor, Entrepreneur and Founder of A Saas Fintech platform enabling music educators to be better at business. With over 25 years of active and progressive music education and performance experience, and even longer in business, Pete has successfully and seamlessly synergised elements of creativity and business. Pete has taught music across Australia and Overseas and sits on the council for the Music teachers association of South Australia. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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